1. Boss ladies watch out: Essays on women, sex and writing
Author: Terry Castle
Library: Library of Faculty of Literature and Humanities Sciences of Kashan University (Esfahan)
Subject: English literature- Women authors- History and Criticism- Theory,Etc,American literature- Women Authors- History And Criticism,Sex in Literature
Classification :

2. Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, The Watsons, and Sanditon
Author: Jane Austen; edited with notes by John Davie; with a new introduction by Terry Castle
Library: Library of Faculty Foreign Languages and Literature of University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: England -- Social life and customs -- 19th century -- Fiction
Classification :

3. The apparitional lesbian : female homosexuality and modern culture
Author: Terry Castle
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Women in literature ***** Literature, Modern > History and criticism ***** Homosexuality and literature ***** Lesbianism in literature *****

4. The female thermometer :
Author: Terry Castle.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: English literature-- 18th century-- History and criticism.,Femininity in literature.,Gothic revival (Literature)-- Great Britain.,Invention (Rhetoric)-- History-- 18th century.,Romanticism-- Great Britain-- History-- 18th century.,Sex (Psychology) in literature.,Supernatural in literature.,Women and literature-- Great Britain-- History-- 18th century.,English literature.,Femininity in literature.,Gothic revival (Literature),Invention (Rhetoric),LITERARY CRITICISM-- European-- English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh.,Romanticism.,Sex (Psychology) in literature.,Supernatural in literature.,Women and literature.,Great Britain., 7
Classification :

5. The female thermometer:eighteenth-century culture and the invention of the uncanny
Author: Terry Castle
Library: (Library of Islamic Studies For Women and Family (Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Sex (Psychology) in literature ***** Femininity in literature ***** Women and literature > Great Britain > History > 18th century ***** English literature > 18th century > History and criticism ***** Romanticism > Great Britain > History > 18th century ***** Gothic revival (Literature) > Great Britain ***** Invention (Rhetoric) > History > 18th century ***** Supernatural in literature *****